【40周年校庆学术活动】Characterization of nanomaterials such as semiconductor heterostructures, carbon and perovskite quantum dots

来源: 光学与电子科技学院 作者:张传亮 添加日期:2018-09-07 09:02:47 阅读次数:

       报告题目: Characterization of nanomaterials such as semiconductor heterostructures, carbon and perovskite quantum dots
  报告人: Pavel Brunkov,俄罗斯圣彼得堡Loffe研究所
  报告人简介: Pavel N. Brunkov received the M.S. degree in Physics from Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia, in 1987 and the Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees in physics of semiconductors from Ioffe Institute (Saint Petersburg, Russia), in 1992 and 2008, respectively. In 1995-2009 he worked as visiting researcher in Nottingham University (Great Britain), Technical University of Berlin (Germany), INSA de Lyon (France). At present P.N. Brunkov is a head of Laboratory of Characterization of Materials and Solid State Electronics Structures in the Centre of Nanoheterostructure Physics of Ioffe institute. Also he has a part time professor position with Department of Modern Functional Materials of ITMO University (Saint Petersburg, Russia). His current interest includes the study the defect engineering in semiconductors and quantum phenomena in semiconductor heterostructures with quantum wells and quantum dots. Also he is involved in the study of properties of different nanostructures made of both carbon and other solid state materials. To date, he has published more than 150 SCI papers, which has been cited for ~1000 times, at present, his h-index is 17(Researcher ID : A-6883-2014).
