发表国际SCI期刊论文170余篇,包括作为第一/通讯作者在Nature Communications、Proceedings of the IEEE、Light: Science & Applications、Laser & Photonics Reviews、ACS Nano、Optica等著名光学期刊发表140余篇。其成果被国内外同行广泛引用,论文SCI引用4500余次,单篇最高SCI引用320余次并入选了美国光学学会期刊《Optics Express》创刊20周年百篇高引论文,连续入选了2015-2018年爱思唯尔《中国高被引学者榜单》(物理学和天文学学科)。应邀在光通信领域顶级学术会议-美国OFC、集成光学领域顶级会议-IPR等特邀报告60余次,担任ACP等技术委员会主席/共同主席以及顶级会议-美国OFC等技术委员会委员30余次。应邀担任了IEEE Photonics Technology Letters、Optical and Quantum Electronics、Photonics Research等国际SCI期刊副主编/执行主编。
The demand for data has been increasing exponentially with very high growth rates from the access to data-centre interconnects and to long-haul transmissions. Further enhancement of the information capacity has been a perennial goal of scientists and engineering globally. A cost-effective solution for expanding the link capacity of optical interconnects is utilizing advanced multiplexing technologies. Currently, the most popular technologies include wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM), polarization-division-multiplexing (PDM), mode-division-multiplexing (MDM), etc. As it is well known, silicon photonics is compatible with standard CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) processes and thus has attracted much attention as a very promising platform to build ultrasmall integrated photonic devices for large-scale photonic integrated circuits in the future. Silicon-based on-chip (de)multiplexers are really attractive and great progresses have been achieved in the past years, which will be reviewed in the talk. There are three parts. The first part is for high-performance wavelength-division-multiplexers, including arrayed-waveguide gratings (AWGs) and microring-resonators (MRRs) as the representatives. The second part is for high-performance PDM devices like polarizers, polarization-beam splitters (PBSs) and polarization rotators (PRs) as the representative on-chip polarization-handling devices. The third part for mode converters/ (de)multiplexers. Hybrid (de)multiplexers enabling more than one multiplexing technologies simultaneously will be discussed. As the link capacity increases dramatically, it is also becoming more and more important to develop smart photonic networks-on-chip so that the bandwidth/channels can be utilized optimally and flexible. One of the keys for realizing smart (reconfigurable) photonic networks is switchable / tunable photonic integrated devices. As silicon has a large thermo-optic (TO) coefficient as well as the large heat conductivity (~149W/m?K), it is promising to realize efficient thermally-switchable/tunable silicon-based photonic integrated devices with reduced power consumption. Our recent work on thermally-switchable / tunable silicon photonic devices with micro-/nano-heaters will be also reviewed.
[1]Dai*, “Silicon Nanophotonic Integrated Devices for On-chip Multiplexing and Switching,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35(4): 572-587, 2016(Invited).
[2]Dai* et al. "Silicon-based on-chip multiplexing technologies and devices for Peta-bit optical interconnects," Nanophotonics, 3(4-5): 283–311, 2014 (invited).
[3]Dai et al. “Polarization management for silicon photonic integrated circuits,” Laser & Photonics Reviews 7(3):303-328, 2013 (invited).
[4]Dai*, et al. “Passive technologies for future large-scale photonic integrated circuits on silicon: polarization handling, light non-reciprocity, and loss reduction,” Light: Science and Applications, 1: 1-12, 2012 (invited).